
Battle Disc

Rating:4.8 (2 votes)
Played:1232 times
Developer: SayGames
Released: September 2024
Platform: Browser (desktop, mobile, tablet), App Store(iOS, Android)
Technology: HTML5 (Unity WebGL)
Classification:Arcade Games

Battle Disc is a fast-paced disc-throwing game for eliminating your opponent's defenses. Watch out—your opponent will toss it back if they catch it! This exhilarating disc-throwing matchup tests your reflexes and strategy to outwit your opponent.

How to play the Battle Disc game?

1. Objective: Destroy the opponent's blocks before they destroy yours.

2. Controls

• Drag and drop the disc using your mouse or finger (via touch devices).

• Drag to aim and release while throwing disc at opponent's blocks.

3. Rules

• Aim precisely on each disc toss to destroy your opponent's blocks.

• You must act quickly to safeguard your blocks from your opponent's disc toss.

• After one team destroys all blocks, the game ends.

4. Strategy

• Aim precisely to eliminate as many opponent blocks as possible in one throw.

• Defense: Be ready to respond and defend your blocks from your opponent's disc.

• Use diverse throwing angles to make it harder for your opponent and enhance your block destruction chances.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Watch your opponent toss the disc to forecast and respond properly.
  2. Seize the opportunity: Bolster your attack when your opponent misses.
  3. Try to improve your disc tossing talents throughout each round to handle stronger opponents.

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Arcade Games