Ruby's Vitten Party

Rating:5 (1 votes)
Played:44 times
Classification:Casual Games

Ruby's Vitten Party is an adventure game with puzzle elements where players are invited to join Ruby and her Vitten friends' party. However, to become an official guest, you must overcome the challenges that Ruby sets. The game brings a colorful space and unexpected situations, making players unable to take their eyes off the screen.

The main goal of "Ruby's Vitten Party" has been to overcome challenges and tournaments to win tickets to Ruby's party. Ruby expects players to adhere to her strict rule-making techniques, as she does not tolerate rule breakers. The game necessitates not only fighting skills but also logical thinking abilities.

How to play the Ruby's Vitten Party game?

  • Start the game: Players will start by accepting Ruby's party invitation. However, to join the party, you must complete the challenges that Ruby offers.
  • Challenge solutions: Throughout the game, you face many challenges, ranging from solving to discovering hidden products. Each challenge requires focus and the ability to maintain logic.
  • Follow the rules: Ruby will provide specific rules for each challenge. It's important to listen and mix them because one mistake could mean starting over.

Tips and Tricks

  • Listen carefully to balance: Pay attention to Ruby's instructions, as they often contain important relationships to help you overcome challenges.
  • Pay close attention to the details: Every screen has small details that can help you solve problems. Observe carefully and don't miss any detail.
  • Be patient and calm: The game can be stressful, but stay calm and show up. This will help you make more accurate decisions.
  • Explore every corner: Don't skip any area in the game. Technical discovery work can help you uncover important products or relationships.
  • Save your process: Save your process regularly so you can go back and try different types of options if needed.

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Casual Games